Jonathan & Amy

January 11, 2025 • Rosemount, MN

Jonathan & Amy

January 11, 2025 • Rosemount, MN

Our Story

How did you meet?

Date: March 10th, 2024

Place: Red Wing, MN

Steps Walked: 16,493

Jonathan's first impression: She's too guarded. Why won't she take off her sunglasses? Why is there a 'P' in Sampson's name?

Amy's first impression: He's too flirty. Is his phone actually broken or is this a manipulation tactic? Why is he talking so much?

(love at first sight, obviously)

But we laughed a little about shared experiences with renters and Amy finally took off her sunglasses for a late lunch. At which time Jonathan stared into her retinas and fell in love. (Just kidding. Not yet!)

For some reason, we kept communicating a bit via Facetime. This escalated to communicating a lot via Facetime. A couple of weeks later, Jonathan visited Amy in Rochester for a very long date (nine hours!).

Over the weeks that followed, Amy's sleep and Jonathan's work productivity both dropped 25%. We did our best to keep the oil companies in business with frequent trips between Rochester and New Brighton. Get-togethers ranged from 5 to 10 hours, yet we found that we didn't get tired of each other! When meeting each others' friends didn't scare the other away, things became a bit more serious. (Jonathan's friends made a valiant effort and Amy's friends mostly just thought Jonathan was bad at Spikeball. Jonathan maintains that he was "going easy on them")

April 30th, 2024: Jonathan finally convinced Amy to be his girlfriend!

We spent the months that followed playing pickleball, walking Sampson, going on bike rides, getting to know each others' friends & families, and avoiding speeding tickets on Highway 52.

And now we're inviting you to our wedding. Life is wild. We're so excited to celebrate with you.